Well I recently received an update from Fernando Enterprise regarding the progress of my order. They've sent pictures of a Gunner from my French line Artillery (Left)
and a Chasseur from the 18th French Light, (Right).
I'm rather pleased with the results, but can't go firm on my opinion until I have them in my hands. Hopefully I'll have them home within the month.
Another update: Neil at Reinforcements By Post (RBP) tells me images of my figures will be ready for viewing in a few days. Recently I also asked him to amend my order an include basing. It was no problem but added about 3 weeks to the completion date, (as RBP actually manufacture their own bases to customer specs).
Again, I hope to have them here at home within the month.
Finally I've ammended the spelling of "Befreiungskrieg" thanks to some assistance from Jim from:
Thanks for the pick-up Jim! Your Prussian is far better than mine.
That's all for now.
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