Well, I've not had time to scratch my butt let alone add anything to my blogs of late. That should change soon. In two weeks time I begin a two and a half month break from work. Tons of stuff to do around the house, but also more time for painting and (solo?) gaming.
So what's next?
Well, I've got plans to paint up the last of my 18mm AB miniatures! I say "last", and by that I mean "for now".
French Curassiers and Dragoons, Brunswick Infantry, and 1806 Saxons.
Also, more (lots more) of 28mm Eureka, Victrix and Perry Napoleonics and OLD GLORY, Perry and Eureka "Age Of Reason / American Revolution" figs. OH, and some Minden Miniatures French Artillery.
Then of course there is a swag of 15mm BLUE MOON World War One (WWI) Germans and Brits on their way from the god 'ol US of A to paint up. Then I can start playing "THROUGH THE MUD & THE BLOOD", (MaD).
Which leads nicely into a rave about TOO FAT LARDIES and their awesome rules.
Their rules, such as MaD, "SHARP PRACTICE" (SP), "I AINT BEEN SHOT MUM" (IABSM) and "KISS ME HARDY" (KmH) really are fantastic. I'll be downloading their latest offering, "TERRIBLE SHARP SWORD" (TSS) tonight.

Consequently the PERRY's can expect a HUGE order for some of their cracking good ACW figures.
Check out their BLOG : LARD ISLAND NEWS! (Highly recommended regardless if you have a hankering for all things "Lardy" or not).
Anyway, enough for now, I must go undercoat some 28mm Foundry TROJANS for my TROJAN WAR Project,...