Well, after a couple of weeks of intense wargaming (mainly MAURICE) it was time for a game of FoG-N.
ABOVE: Marshal Marmont
Stan and I invited Arnaud and Tyler up from Melbourne for a historical refight.
I discovered this scenario on the Slitherine forum, so a big "Thank you" must go out to 'Shadowdragon' for doing all the hard work.
Mockern is an interesting battle, being part of the great Battle of Leipzig .
There is plently of detail on the battle HERE
ORBATS as follows:
VI Infantry Corps
Commander - Marmont (Exceptional, Charismatic)
20th Division - Compans (Skilled)
1 small Provisional Line infantry (average conscript)
1 small Line (Marine) infantry (average drilled)
1 small Line (Marine) infantry (average veteran)
1 skirmisher attachment
21st Division - Lagranges (Competent)
1 small Light infantry (average veteran)
1 small Line (Marine) infantry (average drilled)
1 small Line (Marine) infantry (average veteran)
22nd Division – Friedrichs (Competent)
1 small Line infantry (average conscript)
2 small Provisional Line infantry (average conscript)
1 skirmisher attachment
Artillery (1 unit to be assigned to each of the above divisions):
2 large medium field artillery (average drilled)
1 small 12lb (heavy) field artillery (average drilled)
Corps Cavalry (2 units both to be assigned to one of the above divisions to create a mixed division):
1 large Württemberg Light Cavalry (average drilled)
1 small Chasseur (average drilled) - unit detached from III Cavalry Corps
Attached Duchy of Warsaw 27th Division (VIII Corps) – Dombrowski (Allied - Skilled)
1 small Polish Line infantry (average drilled)
1 small Polish Uhlans (average veteran lancer)
1 small 6lb field artillery (average drilled)
1 officer attachment
Total Points for VI Corps = 1038 pts
III Cavalry Corps
Commander - Arrighi (Skilled)
5th/6th Light Cavalry Division - Fournier (Skilled)
2 small Chasseur (average drilled)
1 small Hussar (average drilled)
1 officer attachment
4th Heavy Cavalry Division - Defrance (Skilled)
2 small Dragoon (average drilled)
Artillery (to be assigned to the above divisions):
1 small Horse Artillery (average drilled)
1 artillery attachment
Attached 9th Division (III Infantry Corps) – Delmas (Competent) - this division arrives as a reinforcement
1 small Line infantry (average conscript)
1 small Line Infantry (average drilled)
1 small Light infantry (average drilled)
1 small medium field artillery (average drilled)
Total Points for III Cavalry Corps = 582 pts
Total Points for French = 1630
Russian Wing
Commander - Langeron (Competent)
Artillery: (can be assigned to any division in either Corps - Nafziger has the battery belonging to IX Corps while the Napoleon's Battles scenario has it belonging to I Cavalry Corps. allow the player to chose.)
1 small horse artillery (average veteran)
I Cavalry Corps
Commander - Korff (Competent)
Dragoon Division - Arsenievich (Competent)
2 small Dragoon (superior drilled)
Light Division - ?? (Competent)
1 small Jager zu Pferde (average drilled)
2 small Cossack (average irregular)
IX Corps
Commander - Olsufiev (Competent)
15th Infantry Division - Kornilov (Competent) *
1 small Jager (average veteran)
1 small Musketeer (average drilled)
9th Infantry Division - Udom (Competent)
1 small Musketeer (average drilled)
1 small Musketeer (average conscript)
1 skirmisher attachment
Artillery: (one unit to be attached to each infantry division)
1 12lb Field artillery (average veteran)
Total Points = 730 pts.
Note: 'Shadowdragon' states: "I've seen no information that these formations had more artillery than the 2 units above. The "Russian Infantry Corps 1813-14" in ToN has no minimum for attached artillery, so I've given forces above no attached artillery".
I Prussian Corps
Commander - Yorck (Exceptional Charismatic)
Advance Guard – Katzeler (Competent)
1 small Grenadier infantry (average veteran) + rifle skirmisher attachment
1 small Landwehr infantry (average conscript)
1 small Hussar (superior drilled)
1 small Landwehr cavalry (average conscript lancer)
1 medium artillery attachment
1 cavalry attachment
1 cavalry officer attachment
1st Brigade – Steinmetz (Competent)
1 small Grenadier infantry (average veteran) + skirmisher attachment
1 small Landwehr infantry (superior conscript)
2 cavalry attachments
1 medium artillery attachment
2nd Brigade - Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Competent)
1 small Line Infantry (average drilled) + skirmisher attachment
1 small Landwehr infantry (superior conscript)
2 cavalry attachments
1 medium artillery attachment
7th Brigade – Horn (Competent)
1 small Leib Inf (average veteran) + rifle skirmisher attachment
1 small Landwehr infantry (superior conscript)
1 cavalry attachment
1 medium artillery attachment
8th Brigade – Huenerbein (Competent)
1 small Musketeer (average drilled) + skirmisher attachment
1 small Landwehr infantry (average conscript)
1 cavalry attachment
1 medium artillery attachment
Reserve: (to be assigned to above divisions according to ToN restrictions)
1 small Dragoon (superior drilled) + officer attachment
1 small horse artillery (average drilled)
1 small 6lb field artillery (average drilled)
1 small 12lb field artillery (average drilled)
1 cavalry attachment (not to be assigned to 1st or 2nd brigades as these already have 2 cavalry attachments)
Total Points = 1,088
Total Allied Points = 1818
As you can see in the photo BELOW, the French deployed with the 22nd and 21st Divisions forward with the 20th Division, (a mixed division with the large Wurtemburg Cavalry Brigade and the French Light Cavalry Brigade from III Cavalry Corps) supporting. The 5/6ths Ligh Cavalry Division and 4th Heavy (Dragoons) were held in reserve well behind the three infantry divisons of VI Corps. The attached Duchy of Warsaw 27th Division (VIII Corps), under command of Dombrowski hunkered down in and around the village of Gr. Widderitzsch
The Prussians massed between the villages of Wahren and Lindenthal and the Russians to the East of Lindenthal
ABOVE: The veiw from behind the French lines with the 21st Div furthest from us. Behind them the 20th Div and finally closest to camera the French Light (right) and Heavy (left) Cavalry;BELOW: The Poles in Gr. Widderitzsch. Dombrowski is organising the defence.
The French plan was simple; await the assault and counter punch with the 20th Division. The poles would hold out as long as possible bearking up any attack from the direction of high ground to the north. The Cavalry would support wherever the greatest need was.
BELOW: The 'Heros of Mockern', the 12th Light Cavalry Brigade consisting of the 5th, 10th and 13th Chasseurs a Cheval. These lads were attached to 20th Division, on the right flank.
BELOW: Let battle commence!
The battle opened with an advance by all the Prussian divisions
converging on the French divisions between the two roads, with the exception of
the Prussian cavalry.
BELOW: The 5/6 Cavalry Divison move off in support of the Poles and to link up with the 9th Division.
BELOW: The Guns of 22nd Division provide a warm welcome for the advancing Prussians ABOVE: Fournier, (looking a lot like Lasalle) leads the French Light Cavalry division off to the right flank and a date with destiny!
BELOW: The Prussians push on,..
BELOW: A view from above and behind the Polish position at 'Greater Widderitzsch’. The Polish gunners firing upon Russian Musketeers. They soon shifted their fire onto the Russian 9th Division
ABOVE: The sole Prussian success. The Prussian Dragoons charge the French Brigade on the left of Mockern. They caused the French infantry to retire, form square and eventually rout under constant pressure from the massed Prussian Cavalry.
Meanwhile, (BELOW) the remaining Prussians advence into a mailstrom of hot lead.
The Russian Cavalry massed on the road leading onto the battlefield from the right flank in an attempt to prevent the 9th Division arriving. This only seemed to hasten their arrival. Consequently Marmont ordered the French Light Cavalry Division from the Reserve cavalry off on a missin to link up with the 9th, and assist them in turning the Russian flank.
BELOW: The 9th Division arrive only to be confronted by masses of Russian Cossacks and Dragoons. The French Light Cavalry come to the rescue!
BELOW: A brigade from the French 22nd Division forms square as the Prussian Dragoons batter away at them.

BELOW: Crunch time at Mockern. The Prussian Leib Regiment attempts to break one of the 22nd Division's Infantry Brigades. The Gun Battery was abandoned eventually, but the Brigade of infantry held.
While the best part of two Prussian Brigades (Divisions) and their Korps Cavalry pounded away at Mockern itself and the two Brigades from 22 Division defending it, the remainder attacked the line between Mockern and Eutritzsch. These Prussians suffered heavy casualties in the approach, and like the historical battle the French Artillery was responsible the vast majority of pain inflicted.
(Much cheering erupted from the French command at this unfortunate Prussian Officer’s demise)
BELOW: The Prussian assault developing,..
BELOW: The view from the Russian left as the massed Russian Cavalry attempt to bar the 9th's advance. The French Light cavalry can be seen coming to their assistance as the Polish Division sits in Gr. Widderitzsch. The Poles were to prove to be a bastion of defiance. As their artillery destroyed one Russian brigade and their Lancers erupted out of the area around Gr. Widderitzsch to take another Russian infantry Brigade in the flank and rout them. All up the Poles destroyed a Russian Division for very little loss. In the real battle the Poles suffered heavy casualties.
The Russians IX Corps were divided in their efforts. The 15thDivision sent their Brigade of Jagers to occupy ‘Little Widderitzsch’ to the north of the Polish in ‘Greater Widderitzsch’ whilst their Brigade of Musketeers seem to just dither in a threatening stance to the west of the village. Whilst the 15thstarted upturning tables and ratted through the locals drawers the Russian 9thDivision sent their Infantry to attack the French. Apparently in an effort to prove the Russian’s could be all things to all Prussians the Russian Cavalry Corps headed east to confront the French 9th Division.
It was these Russians that attacked between the Polish in ‘Greater Widderitzsch’ and the right flank of the French 21st division that took a pounding. The Polish Artillery disordered one Brigade, and then reduced it to wavering. As it continued to advance in was the broken by more artillery fire. Their loss did however spare their brother brigade any real harm. It wasn’t until the started taking fire from the French infantry that their fate was sealed. Disordered by musketry, they were then assailed by Polish Lancers that took them in flank.
The Russian 9th Division was totally destroyed.
ABOVE: More shot and shell pours into the advancing Prussians.BELOW: The French Light Cavalry complete their redeployment to the right flank.
BELOW: The view from the perspective of the French 9th Division. Compelled to form squares as soon as the arrived on the field of battle.
BELOW: The moment just before the charge of the Chasseurs a Cheval from the 20th 'Mixed' Division. The 12Pdr Battery is about to be over-ran buy the Prussian infantry.ABOVE: The situation at the 21st Division's position.
BELOW:The French Heavies face off against the Prussian Cavalry Korps who are busy picking their way through the forests and marshes to the south west of Mockern.
ABOVE AND BELOW: What happens to a Russian musketeer Brigade when disordered by fire then chraged by Lancers in the flank? POOF!
With the redeployment of the French Light Cavalry division now
completed, it seem that the Russians decided their cavalry needed to be
somewhere else, and the moved off from blocking the French 9th
division and started to fall back on to the Prussian’s left flank.
Just as this was happening the Prussians were dealing with issues of
their own. They had succeeded in overrunning the 22nd and 20th
Divisions Artillery batteries, and had reduced the brigade of infantry from 22nd
Div to the east of Mockern to ‘wavering’ and caused them to edge back.
Furthermore, the Brigade to the west of Mockern had been broken by the Prussian
Cavalry Korps. Essentially 22nd Division was reduced to a single
effective brigade, but that Brigade was defending Mockern, and seemed
The bad news for the Prussians was the amount of disorder they were
dealing with.
Now came the French counterpunch. The French Chasseurs’ a Cheval from
the mixed 20th Division charged the Prussian infantry that had penetrated
the first line when they overran the heavy battery of 12 pounders. Heavily
disordered they were soon put to flight by the French Light Cavalrymen. Their
flight caused a series of cohesion tests that were failed and soon the bulk of
the Prussian units were reduced to rout or wavering.
As this was happening the French 5th/6th Light
cavalry Division unleashed one of its brigades, (again, Chasseurs’ a Cheval) on
the now redeploying Russian horsemen. The Chasseurs crashed into a brigade of
Russian Cossacks. The Cossacks turn and fled after a short action, but they were
pursued and destroyed by their French opponents.
The loss of the Russian 9th Division and the Cossack brigade
soon had the Russians withdrawing from the field.
BELOW: The Prussian assault is repelled. The French Chasseurs a Cheval thatcaused so much strife can be seen rallying in the boggy ground at the mouth of the river.ABOVE and BELOW: The situation on the eastern flank. French Chasseurs a Cheval charge and rout Russian Cossacks. The Russian Corps withdraw.
BELOW: The situation at the end of the battle. The Russians withdrawing and the Prussians repelled. Fighting still heavy around Mockern. Soon after these pictures the order filtered through to the Prussians to withdraw north. Maybe tomorrow would bring success?

With the Russians withdrawing, and much of the Prussian infantry broken
or wavering ‘Yorck’ called it a day.
So where did it all go so wrong for the allies?
I can only speak from the perspective of the French Chief of Staff,
(Arnuad was commanding) but I believe the lack of coordination was the big
problem for the Prussians and Russians.
The Russians did have a tough gig. Concerned with the arrival of the
French 9th division, and the need to provide support for their
Germanic allies, they had troops all over the place.
The Prussians seemed overly fixated on taking Mockern. The Prussian
Cavalry were initially successful in sweeping the French infantry from the West
of Mockern, but then what?
The terrain was terrible for cavalry, and all that excellent horseflesh
spent most of the battle wandering around in soggy ground and forest.
In my opinion these horsemen would have been far better place to the
east, providing a link with their Russian allies and support to any attacks
they might launch in terrain far more favourable. A central position would also
have allowed more flexibility in their employment.
Their presence would certainly have caused the French to carefully
reconsider any redeployment of the French Light Cavalry Division that in the end
caused all manner of strife for the Russians.
I suspect the combination of the French 9th Infantry Division
and the French Light Cavalry Division caused the Russians to feel slightly
isolated, whereas the addition of the Prussian cavalry on that flank would have
had an opposite effect causing 9th Division to be isolated an in all
probability destroyed or at the very least forced to retire.
Furthermore, success on that flank would have rendered Mockern
irrelevant as the allies would have been able to sweep around from the east.
The only fly in this particular ointment would of course been the Poles
in ‘Greater Widderitzsch’.
It was this division of effort I think that lead to the overall failure
in the end for the allies, (and in particular the Russians). In attempting to
do everything they achieved nothing.
Add the lack of any preparation by artillery fire for the Prussian
assault and the attack on the line
between Mockern
and Eutritzsch was always going to be tough.
In the end it proved too tough.
As Tyler (Yorck) said:“It was a lot of fun! I had some early successes with the Prussians, driving off French infantry on the far right and racing my cavalry around to threaten the French rear. I hoped that combined pressure on the enemy's front and rear would crumble them. Unfortunately, the Prussian infantry couldn't push through in the middle. Attacks bounced off several times, giving the French plenty of time to redeploy their cavalry to counter my cavalry units sweeping around their rear. Then a counter-attack in the middle broke several of my battered units.
In retrospect, I should have hung back at long range and let the artillery duel for a couple of turns. That would have given the Russians more time to bring their forces up for a more coordinated attack, and between the two allied corps we had slightly more artillery than the French, with their one infantry and one cavalry corps”
I’ll give Arnaud (Marmont) the final word:
“A great game had by all!
Tyler (Blucher) fought like a lion, I rolled...well...like I always do!
FoG-N are great rules that have easy to pick up the basics, but a lot of nuances inside. Play actually helps learning. Of note, after 4 hours of play we reached a definitive decision on all fronts. Play was only slowed down due to the fact Tyler and I (especially me!) are new to this rule set and we were pedantic about going through the checks as we went so that we learned & reinforced stuff. If we were all up to date I'm sure it would have rolled along faster. Plus we had two Corps on the field”!
ABOVE: The view to the Russian positions from behind the Prussian position.
BELOW: Even as the battle drew to a close, the Prussians persisted in hammering away at Mockern.
ABOVE: French Chasseurs a Cheval Rally 'Spent' after smashing through the Prussian lines.
BELOW: By contrast 'Fresh' Prussian Hussars take in the sights south of Mockern.
BELOW: The successful Prussian Dragoon in the forrest behind Mockern. Spent and unwilling to push the issue against the 'fresh' French Dragoons.
BELOW: Pretty much sums up the situation for the Prussians,..
As usual, comments are most welcome.