ABOVE: The competitors go muzzel to muzzel!
(Old Glory on the left, and Eureka Miniatures on the right. MINDEN Miniatures French gunner check them out)
Hi All
The question was asked recently "who's Guns will you use to equipe your MINDEN MINIATURES gunners"?
I considered my options.
A) I could put my OLD GLORY ARMY CARD to good use and purchase the guns from OLD GLORY at a very reasonable price, (a 40% discount, and the Aussie Dollar is VERY strong at the moment); OR,
B) Go with the "LOCAL" option and purchase the magnificent EUREKA MINIATURES guns.
The Eureka guns are expensive in comparison to the OG guns, (but then every other manufacturer's gun is expensive in comparison I guess); but they (Eureka) are a better quality product I think.
BELOW: OG (silver) and EUREKA (undercoated black) guns side-by-side. MINDEN MINIATURES French gunners survey the contenders. "Well Fronk, what do you think? Silver is sooooo 70's no"?

ABOVE: They French gunner's chose their "weapon of choice"! "Ohhhh LA LA! Qui qui, (poo poo). Look, zay even throw in zee equipmont. Manifeequ!"
Well, I've chosen to use EUREKA MINIATURES fantastic Artillery Pieces from their Age Of Reason range.

I went with the EUREKA guns for the following reasons:
1. Better quality, (being a GUNNER myself I knew I had to get the best guns for my Gunners);
2. EUREKA are a "Local" product. (I like to support Nic and his team at EUREKA as he's an Aussie, provides great customer service, and is a nice guy);
3. Even though the EUREKA guns are more expensive, I was only buying a few; so the price difference in the end wasn't such a big consideration, and;
4. The OG guns came with gunners, (that I didn't need).

I eventually purchased three packs of the OG Guns (and gunners) anyway to add to my AWI army.
You can never have to much Artillery!
The OG guns (and Gunners) represent EXCELLENT value for money, and with the extra 40% off with the ARMY CARD are an absolute BARGAIN!!! Add in the excellent customer service from the team from OLD GLORY and you're on a winner,...