Books I have read and recommend.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Regiment Royal La Marine in 28mm

Hi All
Well here we have a picture of my now finished "Royal La Marine" French Regiment of the 7 Years War. The miniatures are the beautiful "Minden Miniatures".
You can find my comments on these cracking good miniatures HERE!
The Flags are from GMB Flags.

Unfortunatly for me I've attached the flags up-side-down!!!!
I am really annoyed with myself as the GMB FLAGS are magnificent pieces of art that deserve greater care,; (and they are not cheap).
That will teach me to not to put my glasses on!

Well, lessoned learned and I won't make that mistake again.
For what it's worth I'll post a "Step By Step" of how I attached the flags, (not using these as an example and not upside-down)!
Another error was the blue of the Regiments facing is not dark enough.
Well, they will do me, and I'm happy enough with them.
Finally, here is a picture of one of my "IMAGI-Nation" Regiments.
The Maiden Guard, with attached Artillery. The miniatures are by EUREKA MINIATURES and the flags are home-made efforts.

Next post will see me upload more pictures of my 18mm AB Napoleonics.
Either Bavarians, or Italians I think,..
Cheers for now!


Der Alte Fritz said...

I've done it too with GMB flags. My Hesse Seewald Grenadier Garde battalion uses a Hessian flag. I got distracted by listening to a home run hit in a baseball game on my radio and didn't notice that the flag was upside down.

Giles said...

Very nice! I love the female artillery crew - I've heard about these figures but have never seen them. I think you'll find that anyone who's ever gamed 18th century or Naps has made that mistake with GMB flags at least once...

Best wishes


Trailape said...

Hi Giles
If you visit my IMAGI-Nations blog you will see more photos of my "Maiden Guard.


Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...

Yeah,I had to look close at the artillery.I was thinking those look awfully feminine to me,but should I say anything.That it is on purpose now relieves me of the need to worry.Is there any factual basis for this?
Your army looks nice btw.

Trailape said...

Hi Axebreaker
Factual Basis,... absolutly none!
Thanks for the comments!
I've aded a link to your BLOG.

Christopher(aka Axebreaker) said...

Ahh,I see.I hope you enjoy my blog as much as I do yours.:-)