Finally I've got around to launching into a LONGSTREET Campaign.
My good friend Stan whom I've had many a MAURICE battle with (as you would have seen if you've followed the AARs on this blog) has agreed to be my opponent for the campaign.
I chose to be 'For The Union' and Stan obviously is the Confederate commander.
Before I begin an account of our first battle I'll list our ORBATS and some details on our respective 'Alter-Egos / Characters / Commanders.
Union Forces:
Rawlins's Brigade
Commanded By: Colonel Joseph Rawlin
11th New York Volunteers 'Fire Zouaves'
14th Brooklyn 'Brooklyn Chasseurs' (Plus Two Companies from the 146th Zouaves)
Washington Marine Battalion (Plus Two Companies from the 74th Zouaves)
1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry
5th United States Artillery
All are EAGER RECRUITS with 10 BASES except for the Cavalry which have 8 BASES.
The ARTILLERY has 3 BASES; 2 Six Pounders and 1 Howitzer
Confederate Forces:
Detached 'North Carolina' Brigade from A.P.Hills Corp
Commanded By: ?
4th North Carolina
6th North Carolina
8th North Carolina
5th North Carolina Cavalry
Andrew's Maryland Battery.
All are EAGER RECRUITS with 10 BASES except for the Cavalry which have 8 BASES.
The ARTILLERY has 3 BASES; 2 Six Pounders and 1 Howitzer
July 20, 1861.
"The boys are holding up well. The march from Washington has been a good introduction to the rigors of war". Captain Puller commented to Major Richards, the commanding Officer of the U.S. Marine Battalion.
"Given how green they are they are doing better than I expected. None have fallen out and given all the dust we're chocking on its a small miracle. Being last in the line of march isn't what I expected either. Following in the wake of State amateurs! Who would have thought it"?
Ahead of the leathernecks trudged the Westerners of the 5th Michigan Volunteer Cavalry followed closely by the 11th New York 'Fire Zouaves' and the 5th Troop United States Artillery, the only other 'Regulars' in Rawlin's Brigade.
Just in front of the Marines were the men of the 14th Brooklyn Infantry or the 'Red Legs' as they were being called.
The Brigade was under orders to cross the Tamera Run, a small easily fordable creek and seize and secure the Federal Armory at Harrysville before it fell into the Confederate's hands.
Unknown to them a Confederate Brigade of similar strength was heading directly for the same objective.
The Union Brigade was under command of Colonel Joseph Rawlin. Born in Virginia in 1816. The first born son into a family of Cotton growers and slave owners he showed an interest in the Military and was accepted to VMI in 1835. He graduated 10th in his class and was appointed to be an Artillery Officer. He served in the Mexican American War where he gained a reputation as a very proficient gunner. He earned a brevet promotion to Captain at the Battle of Monterrey whilst serving in Duncan's Battery. After the war with Mexico Joseph served in a number of posts as an Artillery officer.
In 1857 Joseph served under the command of Colonel Albert Sidney Johnston, commander of the US expedition that was sent to confront the Mormons.
At the conclusion of that expedition Joseph remained in the Utah Territory after meeting the strikingly beautiful Miss Raechel Harrywards, the daughter of a local blacksmith. They married and his new bride convinced Joseph to converted to Mormonism. Joseph soon became an influential member of the Salt Lake community and became a very successful sheep grazier.
In 1859 Joseph joined the Narvoo Legion with the rank of Captain.
When war between the states appeared inevitable Joseph returned east and was initially offered a commission within the Virginian Militia as an Artillery Major but his loyalty was to the Union. He traveled to New York and due to connections he had in the statehouse was given the rank of Colonel and command of a Brigade of predominately New York troops. His efforts in arranging the mustering of a future 'Mormon' Battalion of at least 1000 men went some way in helping to secure the military appointment, as did his very public stance on abolition and reputation as a successful officer and war hero.
Now the Union forces were closing in on their objective.
As the splashed across the clear cool creek known at Tamera Run a scout road up to Colonel (COL) Rawli with a report that rebel Cavalry and Infantry were ahead and were aware of the Federal troops presence.
"We will deploy our artillery on the road ahead! Between the small hill and that standing crop of corn. All units will deploy to the left of the battery except for the Marines! They will deploy in line to the right. I expect it will take the Rebs some time to get through those trees over yonder and when they do the young Leathernecks will hold them long enough. The Red Legs will move around to our left and drive the enemy's flank in. I want the Cavalry to cover their movement and then provide fire support when the attack goes in! The Fire Zouaves will cover the battery! Questions? MOVE OUT"!
ABOVE: Both My forces and Stan's troops 'Off Table' preparing to enter the fray.
BELOW: Details on my 'Character' COL Joseph Rawlin
The Battle commenced with my troops hurrying onto the Battlefield. The 5th US Artillery are deploying on the Harrysville Turnpike. Along side the battery is the 11th NYVI. The 1st Michigan Cavalry are moving off to the left screening the 14th Brooklyn. The US Marines are still to arrive.
The Federal Artillery was soon in action and had the privilege of firing the first shot of the battle, and accurate they were. The Confederate cavalry suffering early losses from the Yankee gunner's fire.
The Rebs deployed their artillery almost directly opposite the Union battery and concentrated primarily on counter-battery fire. The union gunners however were determined to reduce the threat from the enemies cavalry.
The bulk of the 'Tar Heels' Infantry started to move through the woods, apparently to either 'claim them' or maybe attack the union Right flank.
The US Marines deployed in a line to cover Rawlin's Right flank.
Meanwhile the Michigan horsemen dismounted after discovering some very heavy swampy ground . The 11th NYVI (Fire Zouaves) advanced to threaten the dismounted Rebel Cavalry but halted just short of the boggy ground. The Union gunners ploughed shot and shell into both the Rebel cavalry and the Reb infantry on the right of the Confederate Battery. They did a fair deal of damage to both units but the Gunners from Andrew's Maryland Battery finally got the Yankees range and two 6 Pounders were reduce to trash.
Undeterred by the swamp, the Michigan Cavalrymen, now with the 'Red Legs' up in support on their left advanced on the enemies Right flank.
Suddenly a scream emanated from the Tar Heels as the Rebel infantry cam screaming forward to engage both the 1st Michigan and the 14th Brooklyn. The Michigan Cavalrymen held firm by the men from Brooklyn were pushed back.
The Reb infantry recoiled, and between staggering volleys from the Michigan and Brooklyn troops continued to launch attacks with the bayonet.
With the Confederate Cavalry and Infantry on the left now heavily engaged the gunners from the 5th US Artillery now fired on their tormentors in Andrew's Maryland Battery and repaid their accurate gunnery with the same and destroyed two of the rebel guns (1 Base).
The Rebs attempted two more assaults with the bayonet, but one of the charges failed to get going.

A final charge did go in, but it was repelled and the survivors were shot down to the man by merciless fire into their rear from the Michigan cavalry. At the same tome the last of the Rebel cavalry was shot down.
At this point the Confederate commander ordered a general withdrawal.
First blood to the Union forces.
Both sides finished the battle with three Epic Points. The Union gained one for the Victory. The Confederates gained on for the suicidal bravery of the Reb Infantry ant their repeated charges on superior numbers.
At the conclusion of the Battle my ORBAT now looks like this (Due to Battle Losses, camp sickness and fevers and Reinforcements.
Union Forces:
Rawlins's Brigade
Commanded By: Colonel Joseph Rawlin
11th New York Volunteers 'Fire Zouaves' 7 BASES Seasoned Recruits
14th Brooklyn 'Brooklyn Chasseurs' 6 BASES Seasoned Veterans
Washington Marine Battalion 8 BASES Eager Recruits
1st Michigan Volunteer Cavalry 5 BASES Eager Recuits
5th United States Artillery 2 BASES 1 Howitzer, 1 6 Pounder
Due to the debacle at Bull Run, Washington has decided to send Artillerymen from the 1st Main Heavy Artillery to serve as Infantry!
1st Maine Heavy Artillery 10 BASES Eager Recruits
6th US Cavalry 6 BASES Eager Recruits
We have managed to gain some intelligence on the enemy (Broken Code card) so will have a slight advantage in scouting the next engagement and Washington has made Rawlin's Brigade a supply priority (4 Dummy Cards next battle).
I'll add further details on Stan's force once he has emailed it to me.
The next battle should take place very soon!
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