ABOVE: Two shots of 28mm Chasseurs a Cheval from EUREKA.
Hi All.
I 've just got back from a visit to EUREKA MINIATURES and thought I'd show you what's been recently produced by Nic's team.
First; some very nice 28mm French Chasseurs a Cheval. I purchased the Troopers in the "Long" tailed coat, but you can purchase these French Light Cavalry in Short Tails and in the Waist hugging "Hussar Style" jacket. Also available are Troopers wearing the "Tarlton" style helmet rather than Shako.

Another little gem is a model of the "Little Corporal", Napoleon.
These 28mm Figures from EUREKA are not yet on their web site, so no ordering codes yet,..

BELOW: CUIRASSIER Casualties, (sorry for the blurry pics)